
  1. I'm (straight/bi-curious/gay). I'm (not interested/interested) in exploring sex with another (man/woman).
  2. I'm looking for someone who can be discreet because...
  3. I don't consider myself kinky, but I would like to try...
  4. The only taboo I have in the bedroom is...
  5. As far as I'm concerned, the best place to have sex is...
  6. Extramarital affairs (add excitement to a relationship/do not interest me).
  7. One sexual fantasy I've always had is...
  8. My feelings on one-night stands are...
  9. During sex or a romantic evening, I prefer to listen to (name a few of your favorite artists or styles of music)...
  10. Sensuality - like touching and candles and massage - (is/is not) as important as sex.
  11. Foreplay is (overrated/underrated). I like (lots of foreplay before/going straight to) penetration.

Presenting a thoughtful profile with specific info will speed your search for "real time" sex. In the examples above (not all of them will apply to you), either fill in the blanks or finish the sentences with your own answers. (If you still need help, have your profile professionally edited.)
